
Sample check of transport chapter of Netherlands National Inventory Report (NIR)

Each year the Netherlands delivers a National Inventory Report (NIR) to the UNFCCC to report its national greenhouse gas emissions. CE Delft was commissioned to carry out a quality check on the transport chapter of the 2012 NIR, focusing on reproducibility of the calculations, documentation quality and use of ICT, internal documentation and version management. The UNFCCC keeps systematic records of global CO2 emissions, as agreed under the Kyoto protocol.

The consistency and transparency of the documentation was assessed on the basis of relevant protocols, the ‘transport methods’ report, the IPCC guidelines and the NIR report itself. A checklist was also used to  evaluate the completeness and adequacy of the documentation. The protocols and ‘methods’ report provide a good description of the methodology. A visit to Netherlands Statistics (CBS) yielded insight into the use of datasets, calculations and manuals. While robust, more attention needs to be paid to continuity in the internal organisation. To assess reproducibility, a sample check calculation was performed. This revealed no inconsistencies.


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